Russian Uniinvest Invests $15 Million In Construction Of A Building


March 20, 2009

YEREVAN, March 20. /ARKA/. Russian Uniinvest invested $15 million
in construction of a building for the Isahakyan Library in Yerevan,
Gagik Zakaryan, shareholder, president of Russian Uniastrum Bank and
chairman of Armenian Unibank’s board, said on Thursday.

He told journalists that the company bought former building of the
library for constructing a trade-office center Amiryan Plaza, where
the library will be moved after completion of the construction.

Before that, the library was placed temporarily in newly repaired
1255-square-meter premises. The library started working here in
March 2009.

Zakaryan said that when the library moves to Amiryan Plaza, this
building will be used for commercial purposes. He said that Uniinvest’s
programs with the library can be enlarged.

In particular, there is an idea to create "a Russian corner" in
the library in cooperation with Russian Embassy in Armenia. Hasmik
Karapetyan, director of the library, said the library serves 700 to
1000 readers a day and 30,000 to 35,000 a year.

She said that the new premises are larger than needed by 455 square
meters.This gives room for providing customers with comfort.

The library has 18 sections, including wide book depository, two
reading halls, one conference hall for exhibitions and presentations
and a small garden. The Central Library was established in 1935.

In 1955, the library was named for Armenian poet Avetik Isahakyan.It
is the second biggest library in the country. This municipal library
has seven branches and children’s and art branches.

The library keeps 700,000 books. Uniinvest is constructing Amiryan
Plaza and is also implementing other investment projects in Armenia.

In particular, in late 20087, Iniinvest signed an agreement with
RESO Garantia, one of three Russian leading insurance companies, on
establishing UNIRESO insurance company. The corporation also invests
money in foundation of GEGAMET engaged in exploring fields of chrome
and ferrochrome and other metals in Armenia.