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Communist Party Boycotts May 31 Elections


08:10 pm | March 24, 2009


First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Armenia Ruben Tovmasyan believes that the party has nothing to
do with the May 31 elections and calls on all political parties to
follow the Communist Party and boycott the elections.

"It is already clear who the next mayor of Yerevan is going to be and
it makes no sense to participate in the elections. We don’t take part
in elections just to participate," told "A1+" Tovmasyan.

The Communist Party of Armenia is of the opinion that there have not
been free, fair and transparent elections in Armenia for the past
20 years.

"What we have seen are corruption, falsifications, assaults, even
murders. We are now faced with the three and future resolutions on
Armenia in the PACE," told "A1+" today first secretary of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party.

According to Tovmasyan, the current social-economic crisis in the
country creates all the conditions needed to falsify the elections
once again and he is sure that the opposition can’t win under these

"These authorities have made the country ill and must leave. This is
a rotten regime."

Tovmasyan recalled how Armenia was during the Soviet times. "Soviet
Armenia was created from scratch and made it to the top by exporting
its products to 133 countries of the world."

Tovmasyan said that he recently participated in the discussion with
the topic "Global crisis and Armenia" and, in his words, he didn’t
find any terms to cooperate.

"The Communist Party of Armenia is of the belief that all objects
of strategic importance must be state-owned, including the mining
industry, the energy sector, transportation, alcohol, communication,
etc. If we don’t do that, the crisis will grow deeper in Armenia,"
said Tovmasyan.

Karakhanian Suren:
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