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Few Women Candidates Nominated In Elders’ Elections


15:39 24/03/2009

The number of women candidates in the electoral lists of six parties
and one alliance to the forthcoming elders’ elections is very
few. "Woman has skills to have success in politics like man does
– intellect, wisdom, but one thing man lacks – beauty and charm,"
Republican Deputy Armen Ashotyan expressed his opinion about woman’s
opportunities to be a successful politician.

There are two women candidates in the electoral list of the Republican
Party – Astghik Gevorgyan, the President of Journalists’ Union of
Armenia and Anna Asatryan, Doctor of art sciences.

"There are many women in the Republican party who present different
aspects. We hope that we’ll have the majority number of voices
in the elders’ elections to have a chance to increase the role of
women in different aspects," Republican Deputy Hermine Naghdalyan
told Panorama.am.

The other parties have also nominated few women candidates in their
electoral lists, for example, Mari Titizyan is the only woman candidate
in the ARF list, Heghine Bisharyan is nominated in "Countries of Law",
there are two women candidates in "Prosperous Armenia" electoral
list, etc.

Remind: The forthcoming Elders’ elections are scheduled on 31 May.

Nanijanian Alex:
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