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ANC of Florida Joins Launch of Genocide Prevention Month

Date: March 25, 2009

Armenian National Committee of South Florida
Contact: Albert Mazmanian
Email: anc.fl@anca.org


— Kick-off Forum to Include Sneak Preview of Documentary "Last

Miami, FL – In conjunction with Genocide Prevention Project’s
launch of Genocide Prevention Month (GPM) on April 2nd, the ANC of
South Florida will take part in a panel discussion organized by the
Jewish Community Relations Council and co-sponsored by various
organizations to raise awareness about the ongoing genocide in
Darfur and efforts to secure concrete U.S. action to stop the

Panelists will include: Councilman Andre Williams, Esq. City of
Miami Gardens; Reverend Patrick O’Neil, Archdiocese of Miami;
Michael Pertnoy, Activist, Filmmaker, & Genocide Intervention
Network Carl Wilkens Fellow; Joe Sachs, Holocaust Survivor; Michael
Toumayan, Descendant of Armenian Genocide Survivor; and Rositta
Kenigsberg, Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, Inc.

"The Genocide Prevention Project’s efforts to spotlight genocide in
April – the month that saw the beginnings of the horrors of the
Armenian Genocide, Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, and now,
Darfur – calls critical attention to the vital role each and every
one of us can play to end the cycle of genocide," said Toumayan.
"The panel discussion is an opportunity to provide a forum to
examine fundamental moral issues caught between competing

The event, taking place at Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus,
Room 718 from 6-8pm, will allow for an intimate discussion with the
panelists on their involvement with genocide prevention efforts. A
sneak preview of the documentary film "The Last Survivor" will also
be shown, which can be viewed at
The documentary, created by filmmakers Michael Pertony & Michael
Kleiman, explores the idea of genocide in the 21st century, focusing
on the connectivity between past and present as well as our

commonalities as human beings. Suggested contribution for those
attending includes two non-perishable food items and used cellular

Cosponsors of the event include the Armenian National Committee of
South Florida, Miami Dade College, Rabbinical Association of
Greater Miami, Students Taking Action Now Darfur, Urgent Times, and
Urgent Action. For more information email anc.fl@anca.org or

Genocide Prevention Month was launched earlier this year by the
Genocide Prevention Project, which is working in conjunction with
several organizations, including the Armenian National Committee of
America (ANCA) to encourage renewed action in April to end the
cycle of genocide. For more information about the project, visit

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest
and most influential Armenian American grassroots political
organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated
organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the
concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of

Tvankchian Parkev:
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