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Eshoo: Time for Passing Genocide Resolution Never More Right

Eshoo: Time for Passing Genocide Resolution Never More Right

By Khatchig Mouradian – on March 29, 2009
The Armenian Weekly

Will bring issue up with Obama on March 30

NEW YORK (A.W.) – `The time for passing the Genocide Resolution has
never been more right,’ said Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) on March 28.

Eshoo was delivering her keynote address at the Armenian Relief
Society (ARS) Eastern USA’s Centennial Gala Banquet at the Yale Club
in New York.

`I will be meeting with the president on Monday [March 30] evening and
I am going to again raise this issue [of Armenian Genocide
recognition] with him,’ she noted.

`The denial continues every minute Congress does not recognize it,’
Eshoo said, stressing that `when you deny the truth, you sanction a

Although `it’s tempting to say the time is right for the governments
of the U.S. and Turkey to put the lie aside,’ the Congresswoman noted
that it is always the right time to speak the truth. She called on the
U.S. to live out – in the words of Lincoln – `the better angels of our
nature’ and to recognize the truth. The Armenian Weekly will provide
in-depth coverage of the ARS Gala Banquet later this week.

Chakrian Hovsep:
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