MFA: Foreign Minister of France sends a message to ROA FM

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Foreign Minister of France sends a message to Foreign Minister of Armenia

On March 27, Minister Nalbandian received Serge Smessow, Ambassador of
France in Armenia.

Serge Smessow handed over to Edward Nalbandian the message of Foreign
Minister of France Bernard Kouchner.

In the message French Foreign Minister touches upon high-level
relations established between Armenia and France, as well as regional

Recalling the meeting with Armenian Foreign Minister on March 10 and
attaching importance to the Moscow Declaration signed by Presidents of
Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia on November 2, 2008 and the Declaration
adopted in Helsinki in December, 2008 Bernard Kouchner express the
readiness of France as a the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair country to make
efforts toward peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh issue.