NA Speaker Highly Assesses The Present Level Of Armenian-German Rela


March 30, 2009

YEREVAN, MARCH 30, ARMENPRESS: Speaker of Armenian parliament Hovik
Abrahamian received today the German State Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Gernot Erler and the head of the German-South Caucasian parliamentary
group of German Bundestag Steffen Reiche. Deputy Armenian NA Speaker,
head of the Armenia-Germany friendship parliamentary group Arevik
Petrosian, deputy FM Karine Ghazinian and German ambassador to Armenia
Andrea Wiktorin were also present at the meeting.

Public relations department of the Armenian parliament told
Armenpress that the NA Speaker highly assessed the present level
of Armenian-German relations, noting that the political dialogue
with Germany is important in bilateral as well as in the context of
development of cooperation with Europe, which is also conditioned by
the increasing interest of Germany and EU towards the developments
in the South Caucasian region.

Mr. Abrahamian stressed the importance of development of
inter-parliamentary relations noting that probably in autumn the
Armenian NA will host the Speaker of German parliament which will
be a new impetus for the enhancement of cooperation between the two
states. The interlocutors also highlighted promotion of mutual visits,
communication as well as implementation of exchange of information,
expertise of the legislation.

Referring to the process of Karabakh conflict regulation the NA
Speaker Hovik Abrahamian noted that Armenia stresses the importance of
mediation of OSCE Minsk group as a functioning format of negotiation
process in conflict regulation and that Armenia is for the peaceful
regulation of the conflict.

Mr. Abrahamian expressed confidence that the sides should stay back
from undertaking steps which may create additional tension in the
peaceful process and that Azerbaijan impedes this process with its
warlike statements. The NA Speaker stressed that recognition of the
right of Karabakh people to self determination and the implementation
of this right, the land communication between Nagorno Karabakh and
Armenia as well as guarantees of security of Nagorno Karabakh people
must be the bases for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict regulation.

H. Abrahamian expressed gratitude to the German side for their unbiased
position. In the context of regional security and stability the NA
Speaker stressed the importance of development of Armenian-Turkish
relations noting that Armenia is ready for establishment and
development of inter-state relations without pre-conditions.

German State Minister of Foreign Affairs Gernot Erler, stressing the
importance of inter-parliamentary cooperation between the two states,
pointed out to the cooperation between the parliamentary friendship
groups and expressed gratitude to the NA Speaker for the support to
the International parliamentary scholarship.

G. Erler informed that within the frameworks of German cultural days
which will be held in Armenia, numerous events are intended to be
held which will enhance the Armenian-German friendly relations in
different spheres. The State Minister considered the Armenian steps
towards consolidation of relations with the neighbors as positive,
particularly the progress in the Armenian-Turkish relations. In the
context of Karabakh conflict regulation he considered the restarting
of direct communication between Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents
as important.

During the meeting they also referred to the inner-political situation
of Armenia, fair and stressed the transparent conduction of elections
of Council of Yerevan elders.