Categories: News

1116 Enterprises With Russian Capital


16:37:59 – 31/03/2009

The scale of the Russian investments in the Armenian economy in the
2000-2008 period counts 1, 079 billion dollars, the co-chair of the
Armenian and Russian inter-parliamentary cooperation commission
Aram Safaryan said hosted at the international media centre
"Novosti". According to him, beginning from January 1, 2009, 1116
enterprises with Russian capital have been operating in Armenia.

According to the data presented by Aram Safaryan, the trade circulation
of 2008 increased by 151, 8 % reaching 850 million in comparison with
2004 year. At the same time, the scale of import from Russia arrived
at 19, 3% and export from Armenia to Russia – 20, 2 %. The export from
Armenia to Russia grew by 107, 2 % comparing with the year 2004, and,
within the same period, the import grew by 169, 3 %.

Aram Safaryan noted that the level of the economic cooperation between
Armenia and Russia in 2009 will diminish due to the financial-economic

Nadirian Emma:
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