Categories: News

Six Armenians Elected To Istanbul’s Municipal Councils


2009/03 /31|12:58


The Istanbul-based Agos Armenian newspaper reports that six Armenians
have been voted into municipal councils in Istanbul.

In the Princes’ Islands district, Raffi Hermonn Araks has entered the
municipal council under elected mayor Mustafa Farsakoðlu from the
Republican People’s Party (CHP). On the islands, there was also an
Armenian mayoral candidate, Dr. Garabet Yayla. He received 68 votes,
0.8 percent.

Agop Sarýyan was second municipal councilor candidate for the CHP
on the islands; however, because one candidate each of the CHP and
the Justice and Development Party (AKP) were elected, Sarýyan has
not entered the council. Independent municipal councilor candidate
Avedis Hilkat also did not win.

In Bakýrkoy, a district on the European side of Istanbul, three
Turkish-Armenians have entered the municipal council with the CHP
mayor Ateþ Unal Erzen: Ohannes Karabeyan, who was sixth on the list,
Yervant Ozuzun, who was ninth, and Bedros Avedikyan, who had been a
reserve candidate.

Under the AKP Mayor Ahmet Misbah Demircan in Beyoðlu, central Istanbul,
Verkin Arýoba has entered the municipal council.

In Þiþli, Mayor Mustafa Sarýgul, for the Democratic Left Party
(DSP) has won again, and Vazken Barýn has entered the council in the
district. Harutyun Erguneþ, in sixth place on the CHP list, did not
get in.

CHP councilor candidate Antranik Yontan (13th on the list) in Fatih
did not get in, nor did Herman Balyan, 4th councilor candidate for
the AKP in Kadýkoy

Tigranian Ani:
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