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ARS Centennial Becomes A Gala Extravaganza

By Tom Vartabedian

Ap ril 1, 2009

In what was a memorable night to a century of service, the Armenian
Relief Society’s Eastern Region kicked off the first of what is
expected to become many testimonies across the country and throughout
the world leading into 2010.

Even founder Khatchadoor Maloomian (Agnouni) would have been proud
to see where his organization has transgressed over these 10 decades
to one which envelopes 223 chapters in 26 countries.

But this evening-March 28-belonged to the Eastern Region and its
33 chapters representing some 1,200 members. Of these, 113 hold
venerable status with 50 or more years service. A dozen of them were
in attendance, despite their advanced ages, including Helen Parnagian
from the California "Anahid" Chapter.

Herand Markarian, serving as master of ceremonies, called them "the
torchbearers of this organization."

"It is you who have given your blood, sweat and tears to the ARS,"
he said emphatically. "You have given credibility to this wonderful
organization. We commend you all."

Of the 180 guests attending, more than half represented
membership. Many of their stories were included in a striking
centennial book that was the size of a telephone directory.

Also distributed to guests were wooden bookmarks containing the
Armenian alphabet with a painting of Mount Ararat and the H.O.M. (ARS)

Eighty-year-old Lousin Der Ohanesian Sarian stood proud as a member of
the New Jersey "Agnouni" Chapter for six decades. When a tear rolled
down her cheek, it was one of joy, not sadness.

"This is for all the predecessors who came before me," she said. "No
organization can succeed without sacrifice and loyalty. What I’ve
done for this organization has repaid me with my proud heritage. The
ARS has been my life, my heart, and my soul."

She was 19 when her mother Yepros showed her the way. Four daughters
and six grandchildren all proceeded to the Hovnanian School in
New Jersey.

This octogenarian still attends meetings regularly.

"I’m very thankful to see this day," she brought out. "To those who
come after me, may the future remain bright."

The centennial was a testament to a small group of committee members
who began work on this milestone two years ago under the leadership
of Angele Manoogian.

Most all of it was done by phone with conference calls. Fifteen voices
ringing simultaneously was mind-boggling at times but decisions were
made and tasks implemented. For them, it became just another mission.

"The ARS gave many of us a new life in the new world," said Manoogian,
who was instrumental in making the event a success. "It’s kept our
generations Armenian, survived turbulence and change, and managed to
perpetuate itself with a vitality and spirit that can only be admired."

Manoogian applauded the fundraising efforts behind this-a healthy
$250,000-which will serve as a base toward a $1 million goal. Over
the next year, other chapters will be encouraged to hold centennial
galas to help finance many of these ARS charities both here and abroad.

The Mid-Atlantic celebration can thank Sonia Bezdikian and her
committee for making it possible. Most were from the New York-New
Jersey area who gathered on the 20th floor of the posh Yale Club in
downtown Manhattan under the stars.

Why New York?

It’s where the ARS official launched its mission. New York represents
the birthplace of the ARS.

"We’ve worked diligently, not only to assure a memorable evening
but to assist the ARS international body in its quest to establish a
strong financial foundation through its Centennial Endowment Fund,"
Bezdikian brought out.

"Our efforts are in honor and memory of the strong and talented
Armenian women who blazed the path for us to follow."

The evening opened with His Grace Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan offering
invocation, along with appropriate words of commendation. The prelate
had a most busy day, presiding over the conference of trustees and
NRA delegates in Worcester before heading to New York.

Thanks to the ARS, Archbishop Choloyan was able to pursue his
theological studies. He wasted no time in divulging that fact and
expressing his gratitude.

"The Armenian Relief Society must be commended for fostering a spirit
of good fellowship and high ethical standards over these 100 years,"
he said. "We must build upon the strengths of the past to promote
an equally viable future. The ARS has represented the golden chain
which has tied us together as a single family."

With that, a litany of speakers approached the podium with messages
of their own, all appropriate, reflective, and motivational in content.

Markarian lifted his glass and called for a collective toast.

"In the midst of turmoil, we need the ARS to continue bonding
collectivity. Long live longevity," he rejoiced.

Soloist Hooshere Bezdikian Kaligian stirred the gathering with the
national anthems of America, Armenia, and the ARS.

In representing the ARS Central Executive as its chairwoman, Vicky
Marashlian called for a renewed commitment, a continued standard of
excellence, and the ability to keep pace with the modern world.

"By modernizing our structures, our activities as a consultative member
of the United Nations Economic and Social Committee will become more
effective in international circles," she noted.

"The ARS is an organization that was born of the many tragedies and
countless needs of our nation, sustained by our people’s solid moral
and material support."

Marashlian said during the coming months, scattered communities
throughout the Americas, Europe, Australia, Armenia, and elsewhere will
assemble in halls like these to honor 10 decades of continuous service.

"The ARS mission is not a temporary phenomenon," she emphasized,
"but a movement that keeps pace with the destiny of our nation."

The mission she describes is one bred from indulgence. It’s
survived depression and repression, changing habits of members, and
evolution. And it involves everything from a new birthing center
in Akhurian, Armenia, orphanages, schools, and child sponsorships
to scholarships, internships, stewardships, immigrant support and a
number of other humanitarian deeds.

Knarik Kiledjian, chairwoman of the ARS Eastern Regional, was equally
as emphatic in her message. She began by commending the mothers and
grandmothers who paved the way for generations that followed.

"Carry the torch and continue the challenge," she said. "We’ve remained
true to our name, our mission, and our nation. Our milestones have
been a source of inspiration for others to follow. As we stand on
the verge of a second century, we can be proud of our achievements
while acknowledging our challenges. The ARS will always serve the
humanitarian deeds of the Armenian people."

Eastern Region treasurer Ani Attar, in representing the Board of
Directors, gave a personal reflection highlighting her 23 years as a
member, what it did for herself, her family, and the ungerouhis she
so diligently served.

"We honor those who worked tirelessly under the most difficult
circumstances to make sure the Armenian people were nurtured and
educated properly," she maintained. "And we thank all the benefactors
who have stepped to the forefront in support of our missions. Most
of all, we extend our gratitude to the predecessors who built and
shaped the ARS into a solid institution."

"For those willing to join, there is nothing more rewarding than to
help your community through the ARS," she resumed.

A 15-minute video on ARS history provided a hiatus from the speakers,
after which Armen Martirossian, ambassador and permanent representative
of Armenia to the United Nations, was introduced.

"The work being done both here and in Armenia has been a model of
inspiration for all to acknowledge," he said. "It’s allowed us to live
in peace and security, given our people a destination, and stimulated
our very existence. Crisis has been met and basic services must be
continued and strengthened."

The keynote speaker was U.S. Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo, who made
the trip cross-country from California to attend. The noted legislator
has long been a supporter of Armenian issues, more notably a genocide
resolution, and pledged her support to get America aboard. Being of
Armenian descent makes her a worthy candidate.

Eshoo said the time is ripe for President Barack Obama to sign a bill
that will bring recognition to the genocide and promote the wellbeing
of people everywhere.

"Deny the truth and you sanction a lie, you strengthen barbarism,
you give aid and comfort, even encouragement to the most evil among
us," she said. "Face up to the truth and you heal the wounds and you
unleash that most powerful of human qualities-the power of forgiveness
and the freedom to move forward together."

Karabekian Emil:
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