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BAKU: Turkey is expected to play role of assistant in NK resolution

Today.Az , Azerbaijan
April 4 2009

Turkey is expected to play role of assistant in the resolution of the
Karabakh conflict: OSCE MG co-chair of US

04 April 2009 [10:18] – Today.Az

We believe that Turkey will play a role of assistant in the resolution
of the Karabakh conflict, for as is known Turkey plays a positive role
in the region, said US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza
at a press conference by results of his visit to Baku.

"The positive changes recorded in the region should occur on par,
which means that attainment of results in the resolution of the
Karabakh conflict and thaw in the Turkish-Armenian relations must be
interconnected and mutually encouraging", said he.

According to him, Turkey, the United States and other countries should
eye Azerbaijan as a strong and reliable strategic partner.

M.Bryza refused to comment on the opening of Turkish-Armenian state
border, explaining that this is the issue of internal mutual relations
between the two states.

"I can not make any comments on the relations between Turkey and
Armenia, as they are independent states and can form mutual relations
on the basis of their own interests", noted he.

At the same time, the co-chair voiced hope that Turkey and Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey will strive for
improving relations with each others step by step".

"That would be great. In case these positive changes occur, it will
promote definite success and create necessary conditions for the
resolution of the Karabakh conflict", said Bryza.

According to the diplomat, the next meeting of the presidents of
Azerbaijan and Armenia might be held in the framework of the summit of
EU Eastern Partnership program on May 7-8.



Nahapetian Zhanna:
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