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BAKU: Reps of Azerbaijani mass media appeal to Turkish colleagues

Representativ es of Azerbaijani mass media appeal to their Turkish colleagues
07 Apr 2009 13:53

Baku – APA. Representatives of Azerbaijani mass media appealed to
their Turkish colleagues, APA reports. The appeal says that
journalists, like the entire Azerbaijani society, are concerned over
the reports that borders will be opened, diplomatic and economic
relations will be established between Turkey and Armenia.
`The main reasons for making this appeal is that Turkish authorities
do not refute these reports, socio-political figures of the fraternal
country reveal in their speeches and media facts proving establishment
of relations between Armenia and Turkey. To establish relations with
countries is the sovereign right of Turkey like any other country. No
countries in the history closed borders forever. The most serious
contradictions, conflicts, problems are solved peacefully, through
negotiations. This is also inevitable in the South Caucasus region.
But it is too early to speak about establishing equal-right and
constructive relations with Armenia, which has claims against Turkey
and Azerbaijan, is keeping Azerbaijani territories under occupation
and carried out ethnic cleansing policy against Azerbaijanis,’ the
appeal says.

According to the appeal, before establishing relations between Turkey
and Armenia, the causes of closed borders between these states,
factors making the current situation necessary, fairness of the
planned action, and finally, the influence on the relations between
the two countries having the language, religion, culture and
traditions of the same root should be taken into consideration.

`While closing the borders with Armenia in 1993, Turkey was guided not
only by the Armenian territorial and `genocide’ claims against it, but
in sign of its loyalty and respect to the Turkic solidarity and
brotherhood, emphasized the occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijani
territories, ethnic cleansing and genocide policy against Azerbaijani
people among the serious reasons guided Turkey to close the borders.
The Azerbaijani people also demonstrated same support and solidarity
with Turkey. The Azerbaijani public community, representatives of
government and civil society organizations, Diaspora communities
abroad provided purposeful activity against the occupant policy of
Armenia against our country, as well as its territorial and `genocide’
claims against Turkey’.

The signatories noted that refusal of comprehensive cooperation with
the occupant country and closing of borders with it is an acceptable
and justified political method in the world. `We see and highly
appreciate its signs in the current situation of Turkish-Armenian
relations. Armenia refuses to fulfill UN resolutions about
unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from the occupied
Azerbaijani lands, shrugs off the summons of the Council of Europe,
Organization of the Islamic Conference and other reliable
international organizations and demonstrates implacable position in
the OSCE Minsk Group-mediated negotiations toward the settlement of
Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno Karabakh. Undoubtedly, the opening of
Turkish-Armenian borders and establishing of comprehensive relations
between them will be only in favor of Armenia. We believe that this
action will negatively impact on the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiation
process, will justify the Armenia’s occupant policy and will encourage
Armenia for new occupations. On the other hand, undoubtedly, Armenians
will not leave their territorial claims against Turkey and Armenian
lobby will not stop its activity toward recognition of `genocide’ even
after the establishing of relations between Turkey and Armenia. Basing
on the courage of our Turkish colleagues to defend justice in the
difficult moments of the history, their high professionalism, bravery
and staunch character, we call you to lead the prevention of threats
damaging the idea of `one nation, two countries’. We believe that your
solidarity, activity and resolute position will prevent the intentions
of AKP government to open borders with Armenia’.

The address was signed by the representatives of Azerbaijani mass media.

Mamian George:
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