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Castle Or Village? Generals Will Choose What The Government Will Say


16:23:30 – 07/04/2009

On April 7, at the Urbat press club, the "Miacum" national initiative
expressed worry about the policy of the Armenian government, qualifying
it as "ruining the Armenian and Karabakhi fundamentals". The "Miacum"
came to this conclusion analyzing the political developments within
January and March of 2009.

The "Miacum" considers that although the government received a "huge"
response form the conscious spheres of the public in connection with
governmental policy of ceding the territories, nevertheless it goes
on leading the "absurd" policy adopted since 1991 in regard with the
Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

Condemning every step in direction of ceding the territories and
registering an increase of the Armenian public’s perception of
state values and current threats, the "Miacum" considers important
the inhabitation of the liberated areas. "The promotion of the
immigration towards the liberated areas is one of the most important
obligations of the state, as well as the defense of the rights of the
immigrated people is one of the most essential problems of the National
security. Such phenomenon as abuse of powers, massive illegalities,
plunder and corruption in the zones of the repopulation should
be prevented by the whole force of the law", thinks the "Miacum"

The member of the enterprise Alex Kananyan, who is a resident of
the liberated zones, considers that the global crisis is a good
time to launch capital constructional works in the repopulation
zones. Kananyan notes that there are not only historical monuments
in that area, but also new cemeteries and the residents will never
leave those territories.

And the widow of another member of the enterprise Rafael Ghazaryan
Grizelda Ghazaryan appeals to the generals saying that instead of
constructing castles in Yerevan, they had better reconstruct the
villages of the liberated territories.

The member of the "Miacum" enterprise director Tigran Khzmalyan noted
that everything should be done not to let the Nagorno-Karabakh issue be
touched in the framework of the Armenian and Turkish frontier opening.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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