Categories: News

Fire At The "Nairit" Storage


11:52 am | April 07, 2009


On April 6 at 4:27 p.m. a fire broke out at the equipment storage
room of "Nairit" CJSC.

A firefighting crew left for the scene and everybody helped put out
the fire. Fuel was outflown and burnt during a gas-fill.

Wires burnt

On the same day at 1:21 p.m. a fire broke out in the Norabats village
of Ararat Marz. A firefighting crew left for the scene and the fire
was put out with the help of people nearby. The fire left electric
wires on the roof of V. Manukyan’s house burnt.

Thickets burnt

On the same day we received information from the Tavush Marz that a
fire broke out at the "Shachmalu" fields of Ijevan. A firefighting
crew left for the scene and the fire was put out at 7:30 p.m.

The fire left thickets and brushes of 8,000 square meters burnt.

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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