Azerbaijan Is Advised To Solve The Question Of Refugees

Nano Arghutyan

14:33:04 – 07/04/2009

The State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
will allocate a sum of 2, 6 million dollars for the financing of the
program of the South Caucuses NGO. According to Azerbaijani agencies,
projects connected with the refugees’ habitation education problems
will be given preference to.

According to the Azerbaijani authorities, the great part of the
social problems of the refugees is settled in the country. In
particular, it has been several years Azerbaijan has no tent town,
where the refugees lived in inhumane conditions. The state oil fund
and different international organizations allocated amounts of money
for construction of apartments for the refugees too.

The question on refugees is one of the axis ones in the negotiation
process. Azerbaijan insists on returning the people who left their
houses after 1989. The Armenian side speaks about the necessity to
keep the balance on the question of refugees: both the Armenian and
the Azerbaijani refugees should come back to their houses.

To all appearances, this stance is accepted by the international
mediators. During the Armenian -Azerbaijani forum which took place
in the end of March in Vienna, the Russian co-chair Yuri Merzlyakov
stated that the return of the refugees should not be unilateral. Either
everyone should return to their houses, or no one. The decision of the
U.S. state department to allocate money for a solution to the refugees’
question proves that the world society prefers fixing the present
state of the refugees question without insisting on their return.