Was Serge Sargsyan’s Initiative Not Required?


15:57:20 – 08/04/2009

"Turkey needs relations with Armenia. Turkey is interested in the
border opening itself," on April 8, at the Hayacq club stated the Kiro
Manoyan, who heads the Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office of the
ARF Dashnaktsutyun. He noted that Turkey wants to be a factor in the
region. "It wants to be a factor in order to enhance its influence,
and it is unable to do that without its relations with Armenia",
said the Dashnaktsutyun member.

"Even if Armenia gives nothing, that is why we say that it has not
to give anything, anyway, in the end, Turkey will sign the agreement
to establish diplomatic links with Armenia and to open the border,"
said Kiro Manoyan.

The reporters asked, in this case, we may state that even if the
Armenian president did not make that invitation, Turkey, sooner
or later, would take up the initiative in the Armenian and Turkish
relations by itself.

"After the August war it became evident that Turkey presented a new
initiative in the region. And if our president had not presented
his initiative before, Turkey would have done it after the war",
said Kiro Manoyan.