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Ameria Develops Tatev Monastery Revival And Development Project


2009-04-09 16:59:00

ArmInfo. Fund of Ruben and Veronika Vardanyan’s friends, Armenia
2020 and ARGA Fund, have initiated a Tatev Monastery revival and
development project.

Investments in the given project will total nearly $20 million.

Ameria Consulting , the project developer, told ArmInfo the project
is implemented under aegis of the Armenian National Competitiveness
Fund. The project will be completed in 2012. Ameria CJSC will
coordinate and supervise all the activities under the given historical
project. The project aims to develop tourism in southern regions of
Armenia due to restoration of Tatev Monastery, to decentralize the
scientific and educational infrastructure in the country through
establishment of a research center in Syunik region, to establish
contacts with remote villages of Syuhik region and enhance agribusiness
in the region. Tatev Monastery will become a spiritual, scientific
and educational basis for further development of the complex as an
educational center in the region. The project aims to create bases for
sustainable development of the local population creating basic services
inside and around the monastery as well as a neighboring educational
complex and tourist service center. The project will allow creating
the necessary infrastructure for free access to Tatev monastery,
activate a unique extensive ropeway via Vorotan gorge that will cut
the way to the complex by 45 minutes. An authoritative organization
selected via a contest will be entrusted to study the technologies
for restoration of the monastery. In addition, a hotel complex in the
style of Armenian architecture of 18-19th centuries will be built
near the ropeway. The construction will be launched simultaneously
with the restoration of the ropeway.

Ameria is a group of professional services companies registered in
Armenia with the objective to provide a comprehensive package of
professional advisory and assurance services. Ameria specializes
in four major areas of professional activities: management advisory
services; assurance and advisory services; legal advisory services;
investment banking. Established in 1998, the company has become
a leader in the Armenian market of advisory services bringing an
international reach and local touch to complex issues rising in more
than 30 industry sectors.

Karabekian Emil:
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