Categories: News

STAR Introduces Armenian-Language Register Receipts And Labels


2009-04-09 16:48:00

ArmInfo. Last week STAR trade network was the first to introduce very
important innovation for Armenia in the work of all its supermarkets
– labels and register receipts translated into Armenian, STAR
press-service told ArmInfo. Director of IT service of STAR company
Gevorg Aghvanyan said this innovation was preceded by long and
hard joint work of IT specialists and designers of the retail trade
automation program used in STAR.

A number of serious changes related to the "goods cards"
including information on the sold goods were introduced in the
program. According to STAR data, the Armenification required
big financial investments. "The Armenian law "On the language"
demanded that we should take these measures, but popularization of
the Armenian language and convenience for our customers were no
less important factors",- Executive Director of the STAR network
Vahan Kerobyan stressed. He added that Armenification also included
introduction of the national currency symbol in the labels. The
innovation was commented on by Head of the State Language Inspectorate
Lavrenty Mirzoyan. He said that STAR trade network has always been
law-abiding. The work of STAR supermarkets has been brought in line
with the standards of the Law "On the language" within the term
recommended by the State Language Inspectorate, he added.

Nalchajian Markos:
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