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Prelate Mardirossian’s Easter Message

Prelate Mardirossian’s Easter Message

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Resurrection of Our Lord Brings Renewal to Our Lives
`Christ is risen from the dead!
He trampled down death by death,
and by His resurrection He granted life to us.
Glory to Him for all ages. Amen.’ (Hymn)

The enlivening spirit of rebirth and renewal resonates throughout the
world once again as we Christians prepare to celebrate Christendom’s
greatest and most important feast, the Glorious Resurrection of our
Lord Savior Jesus Christ, and join together to exclaim
`Christ is risen from the dead! Alleluia.

Come ye peoples, sing unto the Lord! Alleluia.’ (Hymn)

The Resurrection of our Lord brings to us a profound message of
rebirth and renewal. It starts with death, the crucifixion and
entombment of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, and ends with life, the
Glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is the conquering of death
and the dawn of a new life, a reassurance that good will always
triumph and hope will abound.

It is very fitting that Easter comes in springtime, a season marked by
the blossoming of life when the dark, harsh winter ends and the sun
shines bright again. We witness the workings of nature with the death
of the old and the birth of the new. As we too undergo this natural
cycle of life, we will not be facing an end, but beginning a new life,
a rebirth into a new state, for the Resurrection gives us this
promise, `He saves us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by
the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus
Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we
might become heirs having the hope of eternal life’ (Titus 3:5-7).

One need not die physically to experience resurrection. The broader
message of the Resurrection is that after pain and suffering comes
redemption and hope. Many times in life we are overcome with
obstacles, but these obstacles are just steps, passages to achieving
enlightenment. Jesus Christ had to die on the cross to be
resurrected, as St. Peter proclaims, `Blessed be the God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ, Who according to His abundant mercy has
begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from the dead’ (1 Peter 1:3-4).

The promise of the Resurrection raises us from the depths of our
darkest hours by giving us freedom from our burdens, granting us
strength, and hope for a renewed heart, a renewed soul, and a renewed

Dear faithful,

Easter is an awakening; a time of revitalization and rejuvenation.

It is a spiritual rebirth, a journey towards a higher purpose that
starts internally within ourselves when we accept Jesus Christ as our
Savior with an open and pure heart, a journey whose significance
cannot be overstated for in the words of our Savior, `Most assuredly,
I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of
God’ (John 3:1-3).

The Easter message is for all mankind. It is a transformative message
that is needed now more than ever in a world that has become more
despondent. The Resurrection of our Lord is a miraculous gift that
restores faith to the faithless and gives hope to the hopeless; it
allows us to pass from death to a life, from despair to optimism, and
invites us to be reborn to be worthy of His abundant blessings and

Two thousand years ago Jesus brought His Light to the world. That
light still shines brightly as a call to faith, love, and hope and it
is just as, if not more, inspiring and meaningful today.

For centuries, our ancestors not only comprehended the mystery and awe
of the Resurrection they lived it through their faith and deeds, thus
renewing the life and spirit of the Armenian people and nation.

As His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, has
proclaimed 2009 the `Year of the Youth’, let us heed this call to pay
special attention to the needs of our youth. Let us impart to them the
uplifting and life-giving message of the Resurrection and commit
ourselves to their spiritual nourishment and development not just
during this time but throughout the year. Let us bridge our youth to
our religious and national heritage and through them, and for them,
renew and reinvigorate our mission for the survival and prosperity of
our Church and nation.

Let us reflect on the Easter tidings of love, hope, faith, and
renewal, reaffirm our faith, and undergo spiritual rebirth and revival
to live a richer and deeper quality of life.

Emboldened by the message of the Resurrection, let us `put on the new
man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who
created him’ (Col. 3:10), and allow the good tidings of this glorious
Feast to lift us to new life and new heights.

With these sentiments, let us pray for the Lord to `Create in me a
clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me’ (Psalms

We extend our best wishes to our Clergy, Executive Council, Delegates,
parish representatives, educators, sister organizations, our faithful
parishioners, and to all those who labor for the splendor of our
Church and nation, and join you in proclaiming,
"Christ is risen from the dead.

Blessed be the Resurrection of Christ."


Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian
Prelate, Western United States

Virabian Jhanna:
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