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BAKU: Opening Of Turkish-Armenian Border Would Be "Incorrect"-Azeri


April 13 2009

We are open and we are pursuing a transparent foreign policy, clearly
outlining all priorities among issues discussed, Azerbaijan’s Foreign
Ministry spokesman Elxan Poluxov has told Day.az.

"Relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey continue to develop
steadily. We are allies and strategic partners and all problems
emerging among us are resolved in the course of work," he noted,
commenting on recent discussions and debates in the light of widespread
reports on the possible opening of the state border and restoration
of diplomatic relations between Ankara and Yerevan.

Answering a question on whether the criticism of the leadership in
Ankara may have a negative impact on Turkish-Azerbaijani relations,
Poluxov stressed that "domestic rhetoric is just domestic rhetoric".

"In any case, Azerbaijan has always expressed and continues to express
its position on specific issues. Our firm position is that we are open
and we are pursuing a transparent foreign policy, clearly outlining
all priorities among issues discussed. In this case, the problem of
the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict is a major priority in our foreign
policy. Azerbaijan’s position on this problem is firm. It has always
been stated everywhere," the Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

Answering a question on whether any changes in Azerbaijan’s foreign
policy were possible, if the Turkish-Armenian border was opened,
he noted that "an appropriate statement has already been made".

"It has been said that this (the opening of the Turkish-Armenian
border – Day.az) will raise tensions in the region and will be an
incorrect step both strategically and tactically," he stressed.

Nahapetian Boris:
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