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Psychologist Albert Nalchajian: Turks Have Always Distinguished Them


Noyan Tapan
Apr 14, 2009

YEREVAN, APRIL 14, NOYAN TAPAN. In order to solve the problems in the
Armenian-Turkish relations in favor of Armenia we should take into
account some important ethnic-psychological factors, which, however,
are disregarded by Armenian political figures. Albert Nalchajian, a
senior lecturer, the Chairman of the Center for Psychological Studies,
expressed such an opinion at the April 14 discussion. According to him,
before establishing relations with the Turks and dealing with them
we should first of all form an idea about the image of a Turk. "It is
wrong to judge about the Turks from their European style of dressing
and their appearance: they have always distinguished themselves by
aggressiveness. Today they are quiet outwardly, but indeed are guided
by malicious thoughts," the psychologist said.

A. Nalchajian proposes the Armenian authorities:

1. Not establishing diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey
higher than consular relations,

2. Not involving the Turkish businessmen and state in Armenia’s
strategic programs,

3. In no way assisting Turkey’s striving for joining the European

4. Encouraging Armenian producers and contributing to export of
Armenian goods,

5. In every way possible increasing country’s military strength,

6. Stopping destructive activity of sects in the whole territory
of Armenia,

7. Accelerating settlement of liberated territories and integration
with NKR,

8. Announcing "persona non grata" all foreign figures, who entering
Armenia try to agitate and act in favor of Turkey and Azerbaijan,

9. Stopping the so-called "football diplomacy" that once more permitted
to disclose the real intentions of the Turks,

10. Strengthening national education at Armenia’s schools and

Tadevosian Garnik:
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