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Crisis Group Issues Blueprint For Further Crisis

By Ara Khachatourian

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The International Crisis Group, a think tank that dispenses suggestions
on conflict resolutions around the world, issued a report Tuesday
entitled "Turkey and Armenia: Opening Minds, Opening Borders," in
which it offers recommendation to Turkey and Armenia on opening of
borders and what it calls reconciliation. The 40-plus-page report
is more of a blueprint for further crisis–if not disaster–than a
self-proclaimed resolution to what it calls a "dispute that has long
roiled Caucasus politics, isolated Armenia and cast a shadow over
Turkey’s European Union (EU) ambition."

The ICG says, "Turkey and Armenia should seize their best opportunity
yet to normalize relations, work on a new approach to shared history
and open a European border that for nearly a century has been hostage
to conflict."

Some of the pro-Turkish apparatchiks that make up the board of
directors of this think tank are Morton Abramowitz, former US
Ambassador to Turkey, former Congressman Steven Solarz an ardent
supporter of Turkey who was on the Turkish government’s payroll here
in the US, Guler Sabanci, Chairperson of the Turkish giant Sabanci
Holdings and Yegor Gaidar, the former Russian Prime Minister during
the Azeri pogroms against Armenians in Baku and elsewhere.

ICG’s Director of Europe Program Sabine Freizer identified Director
of Armenian Center for National and International Studies Richard
Giragosian as a collaborator on the report.

Freizer added that the impetus for the report was the reconciliation
process that has been going on, as well as the Russia-Georgia war of
last August.

The highly questionable timing of the release of this report clearly
indicates yet another attempt to derail efforts to recognize the
Armenian Genocide.

Armenian National Committee of America Executive Director Aram
Hamparian says: "Sadly, the ICG reported prepared by Hugh Pope
represents little more than a reworked version of the Turkish Embassy’s
latest talking points in opposition to U.S. recognition of the Armenian
Genocide. In its timing just prior to April 24th, its biased content,
and its policy recommendations, it represents a painfully transparent
effort to derail the growing momentum toward recognition this April
by the U.S. President and Congress."

Among the recommendations the report offers are immediate agreement
by Armenia and Azerbaijan to the OSCE Minsk Group principles and more
problematic and dangerous element of urging Armenia to adhere to the
1921 Kars Treaty, to which Armenia was never a signatory. That secret
treaty between USSR and Turkey delineated the current borders between
Armenia and Turkey.

The report urges Turkey to not make the resolution of the Karabakh
conflict a precondition, but rather make its ally, Azerbaijan,
understand that d?tente between Turkey and Armenia would go a long
way to ensure a preferred outcome to the Karabakh conflict resolution.

The international community, especially the US and EU, are also urged
to resist efforts to recognize the Genocide and "Back up Turkey-Armenia
reconciliation with projects to encourage region-wide interaction,
heritage preservation and confidence building; and support as requested
any new bilateral historical commission or sub-commission, development
of archive management and independent Turkish- or Armenian-led
scholarly endeavors to research into aspects of the 1915 events."

Citing the Turkish outpouring of support following the Dink
assassination as well as last December’s apology campaign, the report
aims to paint a picture of increasing tolerance within Turkish circles
to confront their history.

More importantly, however, the report paints a picture of a Diaspora
divided with so-called hard-liners continuing to press for recognition
of the Genocide and introduces the emergence of a new faction within
the Diaspora–"the artistic ones"–who want to establish ties with
Turkey, have Turkish friends and restore cultural monuments.

The delineated recommendations by the International Crisis Group open
the door for a more prolonged crisis in the region that could have
disastrous consequences for Armenia and Armenians around the world.

The recommendations speak to all the aspirations of Turkey and
Azerbaijan and leave Armenia and Armenians around the world

On the surface, all parties are being asked to make concessions in
the interest of stability in the region. However, between the lines,
the ICG wants Armenia to concede more than the others and make the
most sacrifices in this shortsighted approach to regional peace.

Armenia has always agreed to negotiations without any
preconditions. Yet, the report is a reiteration of all the
preconditions being placed upon it by Turkey and, in a backhanded way,
Azerbaijan. By asking the sides to immediately open the borders and
establish diplomatic ties and, at the same time, adhere to OSCE Minsk
Group principles, Armenia is effectively being put in a position to
give up all of its historic rights without any guarantees of stability.

Armenia, and Armenians, must become more vocal in protecting national
interests and reject any effort by governments or entities with special
interests to define the course to be taken in the historic crossroads.

Perhaps the ICG should have entitled its report: "Armenia: Opening
Wide, Opening Borders."

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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