Categories: News

Fire Almost Burned District


08:52 pm | April 14, 2009


A fire broke out on April 14 at around 5:30 p.m. after a child left
unattended played with fire. The four-year old grandchild of Gohar
Ghazaryan (resident of Gyumri) secretly burned papers in the yard and
threw them in the shack full of wood. The child informed the adults
and they made their way to the shack just when the fire had started
to burn inside.

Before the adults managed to stop the fire, it had already spread
towards the roofs of the two neighboring homes. Thanks to firefighters,
the fire did not penetrate into the neighbor’s house, but the latter
suffered material damage. The neighbors weren’t at home when the fire
broke out.

"We opened the door and saw smoke in the house. My neighbor told me
that it was his grandchild’s fault," says neighbor Gohar Koghpetsyan.

The fire left only material damage and based on preliminary data,
the burnt surface area is 100-120 square meters.

Virabian Jhanna:
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