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"Let’s Go To Save The Cat"

Nano Arghutyan

11:50:38 – 13/04/2009

This famous phrase from the film "Office Romance" comes to your mind
when you follow the world leaders express their worry in connection
with the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. It is so bad the conflict is not
settled, people suffer, and shootings are often at the frontier, "let’s
hurry to settle everything" the compassionate larders state. Then,
at the same moment they state that the only way for a settlement
is compromising. And no one knows why, Armenia, which is the less
interested in such a settlement of the, receives the great part of
the compromises.

The Nagorno-Karabakh settlement becomes the number one topic in the
region. After Barack Obama’s visit to Turkey the president and the
prime minister of that country stated that until the Nagorno-Karabakh
issue is not settled no progress is to be expected in the Armenian and
Turkish relations. In other words, this "old question" is announced
to need a quick solution. "The most serious problem in the Caucasus
is the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, and I believe this question will be
settled by the end of the 2009", stated Gyul.

Now, everyone will consider their duty to have an input in the
settlement of this conflict, and those who will contradict this
or affirm that the conflict is settled long ago, will be terribly
blamed of not wanting the Armenian and Turkish border to be open. A
"peace" propaganda wave is expected. Not only an international but
also an Armenian wave. And all possible measure will be exercised in
this regard.

For example, while in Yerevan, the CoE parliamentary member Anne
Mary Isler-Begen said to be happy that there are no disagreements
in connection with the measures to be used for the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict solution.

Let alone the question, that if there are no disagreement why the
conflict is not being settled, and let us just note, that one of
the favourite methods of the propaganda is used, in announcing
something positive at the fist sight, to which Armenia either will
have to give a negative answer or will have to get adapted to what
they say. The mediators are likely to make such "optimistic", but
in reality obligatory statements, which will "unnoticingly" decide
the terms for the settlement negotiations, its frameworks and the
tone. The Minsk group "shuttle" propaganda will be restored, even
other systems are probable to be restored, but the essence of the
proposed principles will not be changed in its afterwards.

And Armenia? Perhaps, this time Armenia refused the proposal of the
settlement based on the "principle of Madrid". Or, Azerbaijan did not
agree, which according to these principals completely loses his power
on the Nagorno-Karabakh. That is why the official Ankara stated that
until the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is not settled, the Armenian and
Turkish frontier opening is impossible. In this situation the most
important is not be caught by the propaganda tricks and project the
proposals proceeding from your own interests.

Virabian Jhanna:
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