Without The Nagorno-Karabakh Settlement Armenia Will Become A Transp

Nano Arghutyan

17:39:14 – 14/04/2009

The Armenian and Turkish relations normalization stopped at the
point of the so-called "Karabakhi settlement". Until Armenia and
Azerbaijan do not come to an agreement on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue,
Turkey will not establish relations with Armenia, the Turkish leaders,
the Azerbaijani political scientists and the international mediators
state. But any of them has their own reasons for such a statement.

Everything is clear with Azerbaijan and even Turkey – Baku and Ankara
want to take advantage of the moment and solve the Karabakhi issue
with others’ hands. As to the international mediators fighting
for the Nagorno-Karabakh issue settlement, their motivation is
not that complicated either. The so-called world society needs the
Armenian and Turkish frontier opening as an alternative communicative
opportunity. Why the communicative society needs Armenia which is a
traffic deadlock? The world needs Armenia just as a transit. Where
can the roads from Armenia lead to? Either in Georgia or Iran, or in
the Central Asia through Azerbaijan.

Though the Armenian and Turkish border is not open yet, the
construction of the two roads bringing out of Armenia is already
launched. The question concerns the construction of the highway
Batumi- Armenia- Iran and the railway Iran-Armenia. Not accidentally
the international funds agree to finance these projects. And, the
idea was probably suggested by them too. And the feasibility of these
projects rises alongside with the warming of the Armenian and Turkish
relations, which are melting little by little.

The third road is left to be secured-through Azerbaijan. Here
the problem emerges. The "communicationers" need the Armenian and
Azerbaijani open border. It is not of much difference for them who
will get Nagorno-Karabakh; the important is that one of the parts of
the communication must be open.

Sure, if they will manage to persuade Baku and Yerevan
to compromise. Factually, Baku rejected categorically any
compromises. Armenia did not fall under the influence either. But the
world society will control the sides periodically to deicide who is
easier to be influenced.