TEHRAN: Supreme Leader Meets Armenian President


ISNA, Iranian Students News Agency
April 15 2009

TEHRAN, Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution
met the President of Armenia Serzh Sarkisian.

Speaking at the meeting, which was also attended by President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, the Supreme Leader urged the Armenian President to follow
up the agreements signed in Tehran.

He said that the Iranian nation and government welcome the expansion
of relations with the people and government of Armenia.

He expressed his gratitude to Armenian Iranians for their important
role in different historical eras and added "our Armenian compatriots
fought shoulder to shoulder with their Muslim brothers during the
Sacred Defense Era to defend the Islamic Revolution."

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that expansion of ties between neighboring
countries increases internal stability of nations and helps them
become invulnerable.

"Superpowers try to prevent the expansion of regional relations under
various pretexts," he added.

Elsewhere in his speech, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution
described creating peace between Armenia and its neighbors as a great
idea and said that it is necessity to put the idea into practice.

The Armenian President conveyed warm greetings of his people to the
Leader of the Islamic Revolution and declared that his country is
fully prepared to expand relations with Iran. He also said that he
is convinced about the bright future prospects of Armenia’s relations
with Iran.

President Sarkisian said that the behavior of the Islamic Republic
has been reasonable and logical with regard to regional issues. He
referred to his negotiations with President Ahmadinejad and reiterated
"we will carry out all the agreements made during this visit."