Categories: News

100 Years Ago


New York Times
April 16 2009

>From the International Herald Tribune 100, 75, 50 Years Ago

1909 Threat of Civil War in Turkey

Constantinople In the last twenty-four hours, the situation in
Turkey has taken a character which threatens civil war. The troops
of the Second Army Corps, which have remained faithful to the Young
Turk Committee, are marching on Constantinople. The troops of the
Third Army Corps at Adrianople are, however, preparing to bar their
route. Matters are complicated by reported massacres in Armenia,
in which American missionaries have perished, and by the evident
intention of Bulgaria to profit by the situation and force Turkey
to recognize her independence within four days’ time. The Herald
learned from a well-informed source that the garrison of Salonica,
which remained faithful to the Young Turk Committee, intends to take
action to an end to the present situation, which it considers a menace
for the Constitution.

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