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Armenian Leader Urges Police To Boost Public Trust


Public Television of Armenia
April 16 2009

President Serzh Sargsyan has signed a decree on awarding a group
of police employees for their input in law-enforcement activities
and bravery expressed while carrying out their duties before the
motherland on the occasion of the Day of Police.

Serzh Sargsyan personally presented the high state awards. The
president congratulated the awardees, saying that the preservation
of a newly-established state was the evidence of numerous sacrifices
of policemen. We are proud of all the people who were involved in the
fight against crime along with protecting the borders of our motherland
in the first days of independence. These people voluntarily doubled
risks and work [for themselves], devotedly protecting the independence
and reputation of Armenia and Nagornyy Karabakh, security, rights,
honour and dignity of our citizens, the president of the country said.

[Sargsyan] I am happy that those people who chose the path of serving
our public and state and who have their input in the establishment of
the police system and strengthening of law, order and legality in our
country, are being presented with high state awards. My requirement
to you has not changed – I already said once that if the public trusts
law-enforcers, then, at large, it trusts the state as well. You are the
entity which continuously communicates with people. This is one of the
most complicated types of work, and the trust of an Armenian citizen
in the law-enforcement system and the state is shaped as a result of
it. I understand that requesting results is easy, it is more difficult
to achieve them, and especially maintain and multiply these results. In
this regard, the state has things to do and the number of these things
will continuously increase along with the state’s capacities.

Boshkezenian Garik:
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