Canada is Not a Banana Republic

Armenian National Committee of Canada
Comité National Arménien du Canada
130 Albert St., Suite/Bureau 1007
Ottawa, ON
Tel./Tél. (613) 235-2622 Fax/Téléc. (613) 238-2622
E-mail/courriel:[email protected]

Media Advisory

April 22, 2009 Contact: Roupn Kouyoumjian

Canada is Not a Banana Republic

Ottawa- Canadians are dismayed by the Turkish Government decision to
temporarily withdraw its ambassador from Canada because of the
Canadian Government’s and politicians’ decision to uphold their
principles and honour the victims of the Armenian Genocide this week.
This blatant interference of the Turkish Government in the internal
affairs of Canada has been already condemned by a large number of

`What the Turkish government did is to simply blackmail a sovereign
state like Canada. We are not a banana republic where foreign
countries can dictate to us how to conduct our affairs,’ said
Dr. Jirair Basmadjian, president of the Armenian National Committee of
Canada (ANCC).

Dr. Basmadjian considered the Turkish Government’s reckless stunt as
an annual exercise in futility. The Prime Minister, the House of
Commons, the Senate and the provincial governments have recognized the
Armenian Genocide for many years. The ANCC is not surprised that
Turkey is trying to reopen a settled issue and this shows the lengths
to which they will go in denying the genocide. This shows how
important it is that Canadians always remain vigilant against genocide

The ANCC is sure that the Prime Minister, the Government of Canada,
and Canadian politicians will stand steadfast and not give in to the
Turkish government’s crass political move. "After all, in recognizing
the Armenian Genocide and respecting the memory of the victims we are
also paying tribute to hundreds of Canadian pioneers in international
humanitarian relief efforts who helped the Armenian orphans in the
aftermath of the Genocide," said Dr. Basmadjian. These Canadian
pioneeers generously contributed to relief efforts to save the
Armenian survivors. Furthermore, the heroic dedication of
humanitarians such as Nova Scotia’s Sara Corning, who saved 5,000
Armenian and Greek children from death should not be subject to
political intrigue and blackmail, said ANCC.

`The Canadian Government should protest, in the strongest terms, the
Turkish government’s undiplomatic move. The manner in which the
Turkish Government is behaving is an insult to Canada and to
Canadians. Our Prime Minister’s moral fortitude and record in
condemning human right abuses–no matter where they happened and when
they happened–gives us the confidence that our government will have
the correct response to this attempted infringement on our
sovereignty. We are also confident that our politicians will not
capitulate to the Turkish Government’s most-recent bullying,"
concluded Dr. Basmadjian.


The ANCC is the largest and the most influential Canadian-Armenian
grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a
network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout Canada and
affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCC actively advances
the concerns of the Canadian-Armenian community on a broad range of


Le CNAC est l’organisation politique canadienne-arménienne la plus
large et influentielle. Collaborant avec une série de bureaux,
chapitres et souteneurs à travers le Canada et des organisations
affiliées à travers le monde, le CNAC s’occupe activement des
inquiétudes de la communauté canadienne-arménienne.

Regional Chapters/Sections régionales
Montréal – Laval – Ottawa – Toronto – Hamilton – Cambridge –
St. Catharines – Windsor – Vancouver