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Adam Schiff Commemorates Armenian Genocide


PanArmenian News
April 25 2009

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The representative of California’s 29th
district Congressman Adam Schiff’s spokesman Sean Oblack reported
PanARMENIAN.Net that the Schiff issued the following statement today
to commemorate the 94th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide:

"From 1915 to 1923 the Ottoman Empire committed genocide against the
Armenian people in a campaign designed to wipe out an entire race. A
million and a half Armenians were killed, but the Armenian people
survive and today contribute in every field of endeavor, from math
and science, to law, medicine, and the arts. With every success and
through the vibrancy of the Armenian nation, a resilient people daily
remind the world of the failure of the Ottoman quest to destroy them
nearly a century ago.

"I am proud that in Congress more than a hundred members have
cosponsored the genocide resolution, House Resolution 252, including
the House Majority Leader, the House Republican Whip and the chairman
of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Although the President today
acknowledged the deaths of a million and a half Armenians during the
Armenian Genocide, I am deeply disappointed by his decision not to
use the word "genocide" in his statement. Nonetheless, our work will
go on undaunted. We will not become complicit in Ankara’s campaign of
denial. We will persevere until it is the policy of the United States
to recognize genocide wherever and whenever it occurs, and to do all
in its power to prevent this scourge from tarnishing the human race
ever again."

Vardanian Garo:
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