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"Frontier Opening Signifies The End Of Armenians"


06:20 pm | April 22, 2009 | Politics

"Today, an anti-Russian advocacy is carried out in Armenia which is
really most concerning for us," says the President of the Artist’s
Union of Armenia, Karen Aghamyan. Aghamyan’s grandfather was a doctor
in the Turkish army for a long time. Later he told his grandchildren
how the Turks had massacred his kinspeople.

USSR People’s Artist Sos Sargsyan considers the opening of the
Armenian-Turkish border inadmissible. "The opening of the border will
signify the beginning of the end for Armenians," said the prominent
actor. "There is no point in speaking about bilateral relations unless
the Armenian Genocide is recognised. The Turks have always been and
will remain our enemy who pursues only one objective-to erase the
Armenians from the globe."

Mr. Sargsyan quoted the words of the Ottoman leader Sultan Abdul Hamid:
"If our enemies have strong weapons, the Turks have cushy pillow."

The People’s Artist says the international community today puts
cushy pillows under the heads of the Armenian people to realise its
long-term plan.

The actor described the present stage of the negotiations as a
diplomatic game. "600,000 copies of a DVD are being distributed in
Turkish schools portraying Armenians as committing acts of violence
against Turks. Twelve million Turkish schoolchildren have watched this
anti-Armenian film. What kind of trick are they playing on us? We
need to ask Mr. Gul why he is distributing this film and what kind
of Turkish citizens he is preparing for us in the future. You know,
Armenians shouldn’t be playing politics. If we, Armenians, ever lose
the track of our history we shall have no future.

We’ve played the diplomatic game for too long. We’re all over the
map – Russia, Europe, the West, the East. We don’t have the gift of
playing this game and we don’t need to.

Armenians should always be on the alert as we are surrounded by

Sos Sargsyan fears that if the border is opened, "Turks will flow to
Armenia", and Armenians might forget the Genocide and the massacres.

"Such people are Armenians-ready to forget everything – the 1915
Genocide, the 1.5 million assassinated Armenians… But they killed

Kafian Jirair:
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