Categories: News

Gold Plate Numbers And Bodyguard Make Nervous


13:09:29 – 23/04/2009

The Armenian Chief of the Police Alik Sargsyan stated that the breaches
of the traffic rules are a very serious problem. "Some successful
or on the contrary, unsuccessful sons of famous people, breaking
the traffic rules, try to show something making people nervous. "We
are going to struggle against this phenomenon very decisively",
stated Sargsyan. The Chief of the Police said that this problem,
which is created by the cars with Georgian plate numbers or so called
"gold numbers", will be rooted out "People, who have "gold numbers"
either will have to reject them or will regret to have paid money
for them because the attention of the traffic police will be focused
right on them", stated Sargsyan.

The Chef of the Police dwelt on the question relating to the
private bodyguards, saying that today that young people stroll with
bodyguard. "Taking example of their parents they walk in the city with
3-4 cars of bodyguard. I don’t think it has any security reason. It
is some image which makes people nervous".

Note that on these days, information was spread in the media that the
Police arrested the Parliamentary members Levon Sargsyan and Ashot
Aghababyan. The reason of which was mentioned to be the actions of
their bodyguards and columns of cars.

Chaltikian Arsine:
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