T.Sargsian Says Modernization Of National Academy Of Sciences Is An


April 22 2009

Modernization of the National Academy of Sciences is an issue of
state importance, stated the Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian
during today’s annual scientific assembly of the National Academy of
Sciences in which the Armenian President Serzh Sargsian also took part.

Prime Minister T. Sargsian considered the Armenian President’s decree
on working out a bill on the National Academy of Science a proof for
the importance of the issue. Means of solution of this issue may be
found within the frameworks of 5 concepts which are the bases for the
activity of the government. T. Sargsian said that the issues which have
been raised by the President and which found wide public discussions
are still up to date: how will be the future of the Academy?

During the discussions there was an opinion that institutions of
development of the sciences should be the universities rather than
academic institutes. There is also an approach that the fundamental
science is a heavy burden for Armenia. It is necessary to deal with
the practical science.

"There are numerous negative phenomena in the sphere of the
science which must be discovered and solved. There is an accusation
that some institutes of the Academy of Science do not give such
results which can contribute to the development of our economy and
society. We are obliged to give exhaustive answers to these and
other issues. These answers must be not only through the speech but
also through the activity. Results of the activity of our institutes
and the achievement of each scientist must be assessed according to
international standards", – the Armenian prime minister underscored.

According to him discovery of quickly changing world tendencies and
announcement of priorities of development of science based on it are
the tasks of the National Academy of Sciences. In the world which
quickly becomes smaller the Armenian science must be comparative
with the world science. The National Academy of Science must be
the institution through which the science will be integrated in the
world’s best scientific centers.

For formation of the science-based society and economy the NAS must
present new methods of intellectual activity and instruments to the
society inputting the link of science in the chain of creation of
additional values. Preservation of the spiritual and cultural values
is one of the most important priorities of the National Academy of
Sciences. The conscious demand of a modern person for dealing with
scientific researches must be ensured through formation of modern
mechanisms: within the frameworks of NAS efficient mechanisms of
transfer of sciences between the generations must be established also
by using modern information technologies of spread of knowledge.

"I want once more to stress the importance of the three goals the
Armenian President has put for the government – the compatibility of
a nation in the modern world is first of all the compatibility of
its scientific abilities: those nations will win which are able to
establish a powerful scientific potential. To reach a success we must
be guided by the consciousness that the science can only develop in
a favorable environment and formation of such an environment is one
of the priorities of the government.

The Armenian government must reach the aim that the science is
assessed as a value by the society. Science must become our essence,
biological necessity and an inseparable part of our life. I’m sure
that through collaborative efforts we will be able to combine the
scientific potential of the nation and with this to ensure a crucial
development of the science", – the prime minister summed up.