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ACA expresses regret for Obama’s failure to keep electoral promise

PanArmenian News, Armenia
April 24 2009

ASA expresses regret for President Obama’s failure to keep his
electoral promise

25.04.2009 19:51 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On April 24, the Armenian Council of America (ACA)
stated with great disappointment that US President Barack Obama
retreated his pledge of promoting changes in Washington’s policy, ACA
reported to PanARMENIAN.Net. `Barack Obama did not keep is
pre-electoral promise, and preferred to characterize the 1915 events
as the `greatest atrocities of the 20th century’,’ the ACA report
says. Although the President has gone further than his predecessors by
continuously stating that his `personal views have not changed,’ he
swayed on his pledge towards historical truth with the absence of the
word `genocide’.

Nonetheless, ACA attaches great importance to the fact that the US
President and his advisors realize that Armenia and Turkey cannot
normalize their relations unless Ankara acknowledges the historical
truth. `I feel deep sorrow that Obama did not keep his promise under
Turkey’s pressure of refusing to normalize its ties with Armenia,’ ASA
Chairman Vazgen Khodanyan said.

Tigranian Ani:
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