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Aharon Adibekyan’s Regular Discovery


14:01:52 – 29/04/2009

Today, the Head of "Sociometer" Center Aharon Adibekyan presented
the report of the second monitoring sociologic examination concerning
the Yerevan Mayor election. The poll was carried out on April 18-19,
and 2323 adult residents took part in it. First, Aharon Adibekyan
noted that the poll was conducted by the order of 2 sides:

one is the Republican Party, but he did not mention the other one,
because the client did not want to be revealed. In result of the
poll, it was found out that 30 percent of the surveyed people are not
going to participate in the election, only some part of the resting
70 percent is aware that elections are to be held in the nearest
future. "Both the organizers of the electoral campaign and the mass
media should inform the public who are going to run in the election
and who are the first three numbers on the tickets", stated Aharon
Adibekyan, noting that only 25 percent of the population knew that
Levon Ter-Petrosyan is heading the oppositional ticket. From 2323
citizens only 1650 took part in the poll, the rest rejected it.

Aharon Adibekyan noted that tangible events took place in Yerevan:
road construction, city cleaning, lightening, greening, etc, and they
found out the evaluation of the public through the survey. The 2/3
of the population thinks that there are positive changes in the city,
and 1/3 thinks the opposite.

The answer of the people who said "I will not tell you" caused some
difficulty for the pollsters but, according to Aharon Adibekyan
"they know whom they will vote for but they don’t tell us. I can say
by the example of the previous election that these people are going
to vote for the opposition", stated Adibekyan. In other words, the 23
percent of Yerevan residents will vote for Levon Ter-Petrosyan. And,
there are people who have not decided yet, of course they are few but
they except some financial encouragement beginning from asphalt work,
bribes etc.

According to Aharon Adibekyan, in answer to the question "who is
worth assuming the Mayor office" people answered: Gagik Beglaryan 26,
5 percent, Levon Ter-Petrosyan 7, 6 percent, and Harutyun Kushkyan 5,
7 percent. And, to the question "who will become Mayor" the citizens
answered Gagik Beglaryan 42, 1, Levon Ter-Petrosyan 3,5 and Kushkyan
1, 1.

Khondkarian Raffi:
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