Armenian Historian Discusses "Conflict Resolution And The Invention


Inside Europe

A roundtable entitled "Conflict Resolution and the Invention of History
in Azerbaijan and Armenia "took place in Brussels, involving Dr Ruben
Galishian, a British-Armenian historian as a guest speaker. At the
roundtable, Dr Galishian presented his recent book: ‘The Invention
of History: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Showcasing of Imagination’. The
Round table was organized jointly by AGBU Europe and Inside Europe
and took place on the premises of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

The round table aimed to highlight the mounting propaganda campaign in
Azerbaijan against Armenia, which involves the rewriting of history
and the large-scale destruction of architectural heritage in the
country. The roundtable was conducted according to Chatham House rules.

This campaign is of serious immediate concern because it is building up
a deep-seated hostility towards Armenians among the Azeri population,
based on a fanciful rewriting of history, thus increasing obstacles
to conflict resolution. But it is also of much concern because the
propaganda is accompanied by an extensive campaign of destruction of
Armenian historical monuments in Azerbaijan.

This campaign of destruction is best known by the destruction, in 2005,
of the 17th century Djulfa Cemetary. A European Parliament delegation
was denied permission to enter Azerbaijan to investigate the case at
the time. Galichian’s research, furthermore, has revealed that all
the 1000 or so Armenian churches that existed in the Nakhitchevan
region of Azerbaijan have been destroyed.

These destructions allow Azerbaijani authorities to deny the historical
presence of Armenians on their territory and even in the South Caucasus
as a whole. This is part of a radically revisionist history whose
effects Galichian fears may come to be felt in the field of politics
or even on the battlefield.

There are parallels between this process and the policy that Turkey
long conducted where Armenians had once lived. Armenians have witnessed
the eradication, in Turkey, of much of the considerable heritage
(mostly buildings) that existed in that country, and of a parallel
rewriting of history to remove all traces of the Armenians. In contrast
to Azerbaijan however, freedom of expression is increasingly a reality
in Turkey, where many have taken the opportunity to acknowledge this
destruction and are now seeking to preserve, recover or remember what
remains of Armenian heritage.

Invoking the spirit of the European institutions, several participants
at the meeting agreed that that it is irresponsible for a government
to foment hostility, and that they should instead prepare their public
opinion for peace.

This was followed by a debate on this difficult subje ct. Participants
included individuals from EU institutions, diplomats, and members of
the expert and NGO communities, including Azeris and Armenians.

After the roundtable, Dr Galichian met individually with a number of
EU officials to further discuss his research.

AGBU Europe is the European branch of the Armenian General Benevolent
Union (AGBU). Established in 1906, AGBU () is the world’s
largest non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York
City, AGBU preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage
through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs, annually
serving some 400,000 Armenians on five continents.

Inside Europe is an independent public policy and resource centre
dedicated to European affairs relating to Armenia and to the Armenian
Diaspora.Its mission is to contribute to knowledge and understanding
about the relationship between Armenia and the process of European
integration as well as the relationship between the Armenian Diaspora
and the European institutions.

Title of the book: The Invention of History: Azerbaijan, Armenia,
and the Showcasing of Imagination.

Joint publication by: Gomidas Institute, London UK, and Printinfo Art
Books, Yerevan, Armenia ISBN 978-1-903656-86-0 Printed by Printinfo,
Yerevan, Armenia, 2009