The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

Interview by ARMAN GALOYAN

12:11:55 – 29/04/2009

Interview with parliamentary member of the Heritage faction Vardan

– The ARF Dashnaktsutyun announced to leave to coalition and to
become opposition. How do you comment on this step of the ARF as a
representative of the only oppositional party in the National Assembly?

– They stated that they came to this decision because of the latest
events in the Armenian and Turkish relations. The ARF Dashnaktsutyun
is a political party which is directly connected to the Armenians
spread all over the world. To this extent, the lack of activity in
the process of the recognition of the Armenian genocide, and its stop
in some places could not but cause concern among our compatriots
abroad. And this fact could not but have its impact on the ARF
Dashnaktsutyun. The party has numerously stated that they may give
an immediate reaction to each concussion in this relation. In fact,
they left the governmental coalition and now, they are integrating
in the oppositional field. From this point of view, it should be
noted that their decision was not an easy one. But, nevertheless,
the situation obliged them to take such a step.

– Though, no one knows why, the ARF Dashnaktsutyun did not react
in such a strict way when Serge Sargsyan announced of setting up
a commission of historians to study the genocide issue, by which,
according to the opposition, he disputed the fact of genocide.

– The question on the historians may not have a serious executive
role and it may be viewed as a long lasting process. And, in this
case we face the problem of accepting the agreement of Kars, which,
of course, may destroy the basis of the Hay Dat.

– Do you consider possible cooperation with the ARF Dashnaktsutyun
in the oppositional field?

– It is not possible to say in politics that you will ever find
nothing in common to cooperate with any political force. Considering
that we are a national liberalistic force, and the ARF is a national
socialistic force, we have the same ideas concerning the national
questions that such declines of national values are unacceptable
within the foreign relations. As to the further cooperation in the
political field, we have not found any edges so far.

– The ruling coalition thinks that cooperation with the ARF is very
possible considering it constructive opposition. What do you think,
why the government is so excited about the ARF becoming opposition?

– It is the right of the government. If they think that bridges are not
burnt with the ARF yet and they may cooperate, let them cooperate. We
go on being opposition, we will be carrying out our projects. And only
time will show what the further actions of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun
will be in the oppositional field. Words are always relative, and
actions reveal the real stances.

– Among the society the ARF is not perceived as opposition yet and
there is opinion that this is a planned game.

– Nevertheless, their actions are to show everything. I would not
like to state beforehand that that entire is false, that they are not
opposition. One may always say different things but what they will do
will be clear in the nearest future. It is even stated in the Bible
that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

– What do you think will the ARF Dashnaktsutyun be able to be a
serious alternative for the Heritage and HAK?

– It is a little surprising for me when someone is considered a
rival for us. This competitiveness is expressed with concrete number
at the elections. Everyone states of having high percents, but the
real image is seen after the elections. I don’t mean the breaches and
mutations. Anyway, I consider a rival no one. The Heritage does its
work fairly. We have many examples of political figures who changed
their stances numerous times and they are destroyed now. And to
say that the government or the opposition is to be blamed for this
is absurd.

– Considering that the opposition was represented at the Mayor election
with one alliance and now there is another oppositional camp, what
impact will it have on the votes, will the ARF Dashnaktsutyun "seize"
votes from the opposition?

– I don’t agree with the expression "to seize votes". It is difficult
to say what the ARF will gain as opposition. The quality of their
action will play an important role here. Today, the Armenian National
Congress has very good image among the public. And that of the
Dashnaktsutyun is rather low comparing with the HAK. Whether they
will manage to equalize it is difficult to say.