How I Keepy-Uppy With The Lads

By Mike Pyle

Get Bracknell
May 1 2009

Meet Henry Abrahamian – he’s about to turn 60, will soon be eligible
for a bus pass and yet he still manages to play 90 minutes of football
every week.

Henry turns out every Sunday morning for Bracknell and District Sunday
League side Bracknell Manics and puts his lengthy football career
down to a healthy lifestyle picked up on his globe-trotting life.

Henry, who celebratse his 60th birthday today, said: "I put the fact
that I am still able to play so much football down to several reasons
– I have a passion for the game, I played at a high level in Iran,
Lebanon and America and this has helped me maintain my physique.

"I have never smoked and I gave up drinking when I was much younger. I
eat healthily – I don’t ever eat McDonald’s or anything like that."

Of Armenian descent, Henry was born in Iran, moved to Lebanon when
as a youngster and left for America to go to university.

Henry added: "I played football for my university – Clemson University
in South Carolina.

"It’s a big deal over there and I still hold the NCAA (National
Collegiate Athletic Association) for most goals scored in a season
– 32."

Henry then spent two years playing professional American football
as a ‘kicker’ for the Dallas Cowboys and the Chicago Bears before he
graduated from university and joined an office equipment company.

He, his wife Barbara and children Andray and Aleena, now 31 and 28,
moved to Meadow Road in Wokingham in 1982.

Since then Henry has played for teams all over the area and the
central defender has played for the Manics for the last four seasons.

Henry added: "I don’t plan on giving up any time soon. I’ve been
told I’ll be able to get a bus pass soon as well, but I don’t plan
on doing that either!"