Conductor Solves the Mystery of Mysterious Mountain

KUAR FM 89.1, Little Rock, Arkansas
May 3 2009

KUAR FM 89.1, Little Rock, Arkansas
May 3 2009

Conductor Solves the Mystery of Mysterious Mountain

American-Armenian Composer writes with a clear musical language

by David Srebnik

Alan Hovhaness (1911-2000) was an American composer of Armenian
heritage – and he had a fascination for the Far East. He’s best known
for his symphony, "Mysterious Mountain."

Hovhaness champion, conductor Gerard Schwarz, hears a distinct sound
and musical language that "is clear as a bell," but he insists there
is something even more important in Hovhaness’ music.

Listen to Gerard Schwarz by clicking on the audio bar above.

Conductor Gerard Schwarz is a leading champion of the multicultural
and personality-infused music by Alan Hovhaness. There are many
websites where you can learn and hear more about the exotic and rich
orchestral tapestries heard in Hovhaness’s orchestral music. Here is

To hear more of your favorite performers talking about the music you
love, and to get an insider’s view of their lives, visit

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