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ENP Principles – Acceptable For Armenia


05.05.2009 18:09 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In a press conference convened today, Karen Bekaryan,
President of European Integration organization, elucidated several
points related to European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). "According to the
letter and spirit of ENP documents, there are three security models
conventionally defined as hard security system, semi-hard security
system and a system based on neighbors’ interest in the given states’
welfare. The EU adopted the ‘soft system’ and incorporated it in its
Neighborhood Policy," he noted.

According to Bekaryan, any policy, including ENP, is a package
of challenges and opportunities. Armenia has good potentials for
successful implementation of ENP principles in building relations with
neighbors. "That format establishes platform for uniform policy on
the one hand and enables competitiveness among states on the other,"
Mr. Bekaryan stressed.

Toneyan Mark:
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