Norvik UCO Participates In Labor Fair


2009-05-07 23:06:00

ArmInfo. Norvik Universal Credit Organization (UCO) participated in
Labor Fair held in by the Armenian State University of Economics on
May 5.

As the Norvik UCO press-service told ArmInfo, various organizations
took part in the event, each of them presented its activity, the
principles of selecting new personnel, and informed the participants
of the vacancies. Not only the students of the State University of
Economics visited the Labor Fair, but also students and graduates of
all universities of Armenia.

Norvik UCO also took an active part in the discussion which raised
various important issues and aimed to reveal the ways of raising
students’ competitiveness.

Rector of the State University of Economics Y.Suvaryan expressed his
gratitude to Norvik employees for efficient participation in the fair
and discussion.

To recall, Norvik UCO was founded in February 2006 by Latvian-Icelandic
JSC Norvik Bank. In early July 2006 it was licensed and registered
as Norvik UCO. Norvik has been the leading credit organization in
Armenia for 2 years.