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`Miracle Flight’ survivor Carl Bazarian shares experiences

`Miracle Flight’ survivor Carl Bazarian shares experiences with
delegates during Diocesan Assembly

Published: Friday May 08, 2009
ght-survivor-carl-bazarian-shares-experiences-with -delegates-during-diocesan-assembly

Philadelphia – The final day of the 107th Diocesan Assembly opened
with an inspiring presentation by Carl Bazarian, who spoke about his
near-death experience onboard the "Miracle Flight" – US Airways Flight
1549. Mr. Bazarian stressed that his faith in God ultimately helped
him cope with the chaos of a crash landing in the Hudson River last

An active member of the Armenian Church and the vice chairman of the
Fund for Armenian Relief’s Board of Directors, Mr. Bazarian was
traveling from New York to his home in Florida on January 15 when the
jetliner descended into the Hudson River shortly after takeoff from
New York’s LaGuardia Airport.

In a story that has since become famous across the country, passengers
saw smoke and felt the plane drop, as the pilot, Captain Chesley
B. "Sully" Sullenberger III, warned them to prepare for impact.

In the next moments, Mr. Bazarian experienced everything from fear to
what he described as an "out-of-body experience."

"The first impulse for any human being is fear, and for me, it was
white-knuckle fear," he recalled. As emotions heightened, "My second
action was to force my mind into a dream mode," he said, explaining
that his mind could not immediately grasp the seeming finality of the

He spoke about a recurring dream he’d seen of an airplane heading
toward a bridge and the sense that the dream had been a premonition of
his experience onboard Flight 1549.

"My mind extricated itself from the body and looked back at myself in
order not to face the trauma of death and the experience of death," he

In the end, however, it was his faith in God that offered both comfort
and hope.

"After the sequence of events, I decided I’m going to leave this in
God’s hands," Mr. Bazarian said. "We had no chance, and many of us
went into meditation and prayer."

He said he prayed for his family and was in the midst of the Lord’s
Prayer when the plane struck water.

When it became apparent that they had in fact survived the impact,
passengers climbed out onto the wings of the aircraft. Many were
standing without winter coats in the frigid air, but the mood was not
marked by panic or hysteria, Mr. Bazarian said. Instead, people were
helping each other as they awaited rescue on the Hudson.

"God gave me life, but He gave me strength to do some other things as
well," Mr. Bazarian said, speaking of the steps he and other
passengers took to ensure each other’s safety.

"This was a very positive experience. It was the best of humanity," he
said. "We were in God’s hands and He delivered us."

Following Mr. Bazarian’s presentation, delegates at the Assembly
observed a moment of silence, followed by the Lord’s Prayer.

Supporting the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Other presentations given at the May 2 session included an overview of
the situation in Jerusalem, the programs of the Sacred Music Council,
the Diocese’s development goals, and recent ACYOA activities.

Dr. Garo Garibian spoke about the consultations held in the past year
with representatives of the Jerusalem Patriarchate regarding possible
renovation projects at the Patriarchate.

Dr. Garibian, the chair of the Diocesan Jerusalem Committee, was
appointed by the Primate last year to explore ways the Eastern Diocese
could assist the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The committee proposed upgrading and expanding priests’ quarters at
the Patriarchate. Delegates were encouraged to return to their
parishes and to help raise awareness and financial support for the
project. "We cannot forget Jerusalem," Dr. Garibian said. "Jerusalem
is part of us. Jerusalem is where Jesus chose to live, chose to die
for us, and was resurrected."

Sacred Music Council looks to expand reach

Mary Selvinazian spoke about programs organized by the Sacred Music
Council – an organization formed by the Primate to help strengthen
local parish choirs.

Ms. Selvinazian paused to remember the group’s late chair,
Dr. Socrates Boyajian, who died last August. She went on to describe
workshops the group has organized at the parish level for its junior
and senior choir members.

In the coming year, Ms. Selvinazian said, the Sacred Music Council
hopes to lead both regional and national workshops; strengthen
communication between clergy, choir members and choir directors;
expand programs for junior choir members; and develop a new website.

ACYOA celebrates successful year

ACYOA Central Council chair Ani Tovar said the past year has been a
successful one for the youth organization, as members gathered to
celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Leadership Conference, hosted a
well-attended General Assembly and Sports Weekend, and continued to
build on other programs, including the Armenia Service Program.

Alex Derderian, Central Council Treasurer and a co-chair of the 2009
Sports Weekend Committee, gave delegates a preview of this year’s
ACYOA General Assembly and Sports Weekend. Delegates generously helped
the youth organization raise an additional $5,000 for the upcoming

Fundraising and development goals

Expressing concerns about the economy and its effect on the Diocese,
Dr. Sam Mikaelian, the new coordinator of development at the Diocese,
outlined fundraising plans for the coming year.

Announcing a "matching fund challenge" from an anonymous donor to
match up to $100,000 raised between June 1 and August 31,
Dr. Mikaelian urged the delegates to work together with him to help
build confidence in the mission of the Diocese, and to encourage
others in the broader community to contribute to the Diocese.

Other goals, he said, include seeking young contributors, who may not
necessarily be large donors, to establish a path of giving to the
Diocese, and focusing on wills and bequests and building an endowment
for the Diocese.

A small volunteer committee of experts in planned giving and
institutional fundraising and investment is also being formed to
strategize development goals and means for the Diocese.

40th anniversary of St. Vartan Cathedral

Diocesan Council members Sandra Shahinian Leitner and
Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian gave a brief presentation reviewing last
year’s celebration of the 40th anniversary of St. Vartan Armenian
Cathedral in New York City.

Anniversary-year events included an art exhibition and concert held
last June, the distribution of the Holy Muron to parish youth
representatives at the cathedral, a series of cathedral plaza events
for young professionals, and parish pilgrimages to the cathedral.

Parishes across the Diocese have also been receiving and using the
40th anniversary chalice, donated by Diocesan Council member James
Kalustian and blessed at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin last July.
Election Results

Elections were held during the Diocesan Assembly for positions on
various Diocesan boards and committees.

Thomas Ashbahian and Alex Dadourian were elected to the Diocesan Board
of Trustees.

Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian, Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian, Dr. Raffy
Hovanessian, James Kalustian, Papken Megerian, and Oscar Tatosian were
elected to the Diocesan Council. Very Rev. Fr. Haigazoun Najarian and
Shaké Derderian will serve as alternates on the council.

Rev. Fr. Bedros Kadehjian, Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Dr. Ara Jeknavorian,
Mona Karoghlanian, and Dr. Gary Zamanigian were elected to the
Nominating Committee. Stepan Piligian will serve as alternate on the

Rev. Fr. Yeprem Kelegian, Bruce Ashbahian, Howard Atesian, Jacqueline
Melkonian ElChemmas, and Douglas Tashjian were elected to the
Proposals Committee. Gregory Manuelian will serve as alternate on the
committee. Karen Dederyan was elected to the Auditing Committee.

Looking ahead to 2010

Before adjourning, delegates thanked the Very Rev. Fr. Mkrtich
Proshyan, pastor of the hosting St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Armenian
Church, and the committee members and parishioners who helped organize
the 107th Diocesan Assembly in Philadelphia.

The parish’s 2009 Diocesan Assembly Steering Committee was chaired by
Lisa Manookian. Sarkis Etoian served as vice chair, Diane Kapikian as
treasurer, and Arpy Jones as secretary. Other committee members
include Charlotte Ajamian, Marie Azadian, Migirdich Azadian, Tanya
Bardakjian, Vicken Bazarbashian, Joseph Brinker, Aram Derderian, Shaké
Derderian, Nadine Hoplamazian, Jeanine Dadourian Hovsepian, Amy
Jerrehian, Lauren Jones, Stephen Jones, Lisa Kailian, George Kodokian,
Papken Megerian, Maggie Merdjanian, Tina Mihranian, Sonia Kailian
Placido, Anita Edgarian Sinton, Alex Topakbashian, Alexis
Topakbashian, and Robin Williams.

The next Clergy Conference and Diocesan Assembly will be hosted by
St. James Armenian Church in Evanston, Ill., from April 26 to May 2,

Karakhanian Suren:
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