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Yerevan State University Is 90

Marianna Gyurjyan

11.05.2009 16:57

The Yerevan State University is 90.

An international scientific session dedicated to the 90th anniversary
of the University, featuring 421 students and postgraduates from
almost all the higher educational establishments of Armenia, as well
as Russia and Ukraine kicked off in Yerevan today.

During the five days of the session the participants will present

The scientific conference aims to provide the talented young people
with an opportunity to present reports and listen to the advices of
experienced scholars.

"A student scientific conference of this scale has not been organized
in Armenia over the past seven years," Rector of the Yerevan State
University Aram Simonyan told reporters, adding that besides the
official contacts, the participants will have an opportunity to
establish scientific ties in a warm and sincere atmosphere.

"We have managed to gather the whole student potential. There will
be interesting reports during this session, and I hope, there will
small scientific inventions, as well," Aram Simonyan said.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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