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Parliamentary Hearings On Document Circulation Issues


National Assembly of RA
May 12 2009

On May 11 on the initiative of the Standing Committee on Economic
Affairs of the National Assembly parliamentary hearings on the
theme of "Document Circulation and the Ways of their Regulation"
were held. Representatives of executive and legislative Bodies,
several organizations, businessmen and journalists participated in it.

Mr. Vardan Ayvazyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic
Affairs of the National Assembly said that the committee begins its
parliamentary hearings, related to the financial economic crisis and
economic issues of the country. Issues, related to the influence of
financial economic crisis, programs of necessary events in Armenia
would be discussed during the hearings. The proposals, related to
the measures taken for elimination of consequences of the financial
economic crisis, the committee would take into consideration during
the legislative amendments.

Mr. Suren Karayan, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of
Armenia, said that the Republic of Armenia realizes a number of anti
crisis events, a working group is created, which studying the business
program of managing subjects, promotes them.

Package of drafts, proposing amendments to a number of laws were
presented to the National Assembly.

Mr. Armen Alaverdyan, Deputy Head of State Revenue Committee, adjunct
to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, said that there are few
countries, realizing tax privileges, for being protected from the
financial crisis. With the presented package the National Assembly
tries to regulate the issue.

Mr. Alaverdyan also answered a number of questions, related to a
number of issues of tax bodies.

Other speeches were sounded, related to the debated issue.

Mr. Vardan Ayvazyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic
Affairs of the National Assembly, in his completing speech, thanked
the participants and asked the remarks and proposals, related to
the issue to present to the committee in written form. Once again
Mr. Ayvazyan reminded that the parliamentary hearings, related to
the economic issues would be continuous.

Tadevosian Garnik:
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