Women For Peace Proposes That May 12 Be Declared As Peace Day


12.05.2009 16:57 GMT+04:00

"Ceasefire has now acquired a new sense. Azerbaijan, Karabakh and
international community agreed have changed their positions on the
issue, and Armenia has found itself in a deadlock," Gayane Vardanyan,
representative of Women for Peace NGO, told a news conference today,
adding that the organization has submitted a claim to RA National
Assembly with a proposal to recognize May 12 as Peace Day. However,
no response has been received so far. "We asked them to make any
reply by the time we held the conference," Mrs. Martirosyan stressed.

"Despite the ceasefire agreement and our leaders’ appeal for peaceful
settlement of conflict, Azerbaijan still threatens us with war, leading
us to a deadlock," Gayane Martirosyan said, adding that Armenian
leadership cannot solve the country’s problems, either internal or
external. "World does not recognize Karabakh, ignoring its citizens’
demand for living in normal conditions," Ms. Martirosyan said. She also
noted that Armenia’s not recognizing May 12 as peace day testifies to
the fact that official Yerevan was unable to keep up its achievements,
missing the chance of stabilizing situation in some way.

"Armenia will anyway suffer defeat, no matter what agreements it may
sign," Ms. Martirosyan said, pointing out Armenia’s failure to take
any measures against the so-called "information warfare". "Azerbaijani
press carries out certain work, but what do we do? Open any Armenian
Web site on the Internet, and you’ll see that none of them makes any
attempt to resist Azeri media," she said. Such inaction, according to
Ms. Martirosyan, testifies to the fact that Armenian media either agree
or are indifferent to everything or else, they are in a helpless state.