Future Yerevan Mayor To Be Enabled To Create Community-Based Non-Com


2009-05-19 12:11:00

ArmInfo. Today, the parliament of Armenia passed the second and final
reading of the government-introduced draft law ‘On Alterations and
Amendments to the Law ‘On Town-Planning’.

According to the first deputy Minister of Territorial Administration
of Armenia Vache Terteryan, along with the introduced document,
the government submitted a number of concomitant draft laws to the
parliament, in particular, the laws on introduction of alterations
and amendments to the laws ‘On Social Protection of Children without
Tuition’, ‘On Trade and Services’, ‘On Joint-Stock Companies’,
‘On Community- Based Service’, ‘On Alienation of Property for Public
and State Needs’, ‘On State Non-commercial Organizations’, ‘Family
Code’, ‘On Local Self-government in Yerevan’, as well as a Code on
Administrative Infractions will be submitted to the parliament for
discussion. The legislative package is based on the provisions of the
Law, passed by the Armenian parliament ‘On Local Self-government in
Yerevan’. After election of the Yerevan Council of Elders on May 31,
2009, Yerevan as an independent community should receive real legal
acts for normal functioning. The authorities of the Yerevan mayor will
meet those of the head of the community. So, the Yerevan mayor will be
enabled to establish community-based non-commercial organizations. He
will be also charged with management of the city’s educational systems
and a number of other spheres.

The order of the first Yerevan mayor adjuration will be established
by the government of Armenia. The state does not limit Yerevan City
Hall in creation of joint- stock companies and profit-making.