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MP Hakob Hakobyan Falls Ill During Trial, Transferred To Hospital

Ararat Davtyan

2009/ 05/19 | 18:52
court important

The trial of National Assembly Deputy Hakob Hakobyan got underway
today after a delay. 18 year-old witness Gevorg Mouradyan, a witness
in the case, was late in getting to the court.

It should be noted that the witness refuted all previous testimony
he had given the court, stating that he had been beaten during the

Defendant Hakobyan demanded that all the police be removed from the
court, arguing that, "Fifteen police beat that boy and now they want
him to testify against me." The judge warned the defendant not to
make such irresponsible statements.

The court then continued yesterday’s questioning of Gevorg Mouradyan
at which time Mr. Hakobyan said he hasn’t feeling well and requested
that he be permitted to leave the courtroom for a few minutes. His
two requests were denied. Mr. Hakobyan then proceeded to curse those
pulling the strings behind the trial and the judge had him removed
and prohibited him from attending the next two trial sessions.

When the judge asked the witness why he waited five months to refute
his prior testimony and whether he didn’t feel ashamed to falsely
accuse another individual, Gevorg Mouradyan responded, "If I expressed
any pangs of conscience, they would have dragged me back in and beat
me again."

About half way in to the session, Mr. Hakobyan’s lawyer, Melanya
Aroustamyan, said that her client was feeling uneasy and asked the
judge to call an ambulance. Judge Avetisyan then made arrangements
for Mr. Hakobyan to be transferred to a hospital.

Nahapetian Samvel:
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