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Support For Armenian Genocide Resolution Grows


20.05.2009 11:14

H. Res. 252, the Armenian Genocide Resolution, reached another
milestone with the bi-partisan support of 125 cosponsors, reported
the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). Congressmen Bruce Braley
(D-IA), Peter Defazio (D-OR), Bobby Rush (D-IL) and John Yarmouth
(D-KY) are the latest Members to lend their support to this human
rights initiative.

"Reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide will not be sidelined in the
111th Congress," stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "The
Assembly will continue to educate Members of Congress on the importance
of H. Res. 252 and, through its activists across the nation, energize
the community on the local level to contact their Representatives
directly," adding that "by passing the Armenian Genocide Resolution,
we can further the cause of genocide prevention."

H. Res. 252, a congressional resolution which reaffirms the historical
record of the United States on the Armenian Genocide, was introduced by
Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA), George Radanovich (R-CA) and Congressional
Caucus on Armenian Issues Co-Chairmen Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and
Mark Kirk (R-IL) and is modeled after H. Res. 106, which passed the
House Committee on Foreign Affairs during the 110th Congress.

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