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South Caucasus: Continued violence against journalists symptomatic

IFEX – News from the international freedom of expression community
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20 May 2009

Continued violence against journalists symptomatic of ongoing repression in
the region, says ARTICLE 19


South Caucasus: Continued Violence Against Journalists Symptomatic of
Ongoing Repression in the Region

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – 15 May 2009 – ARTICLE 19 is becoming increasingly
concerned that acts of violence against journalists in Armenia, Azerbaijan
and Georgia are on the rise. Previous attacks have seen a lack of
independent and prompt investigation, creating a climate of impunity for
the perpetrators and fear amongst journalists working in these countries.

In recent weeks Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have seen an increasing
number of physical attacks on journalists and media workers, especially
those covering politically sensitive issues such as opposition rallies in
Georgia and the recent call for the cancellation of the "Flower Holiday" in

In Armenia, the most recent assault took place on 6 May, when Nver
Mnatsakanian, a prominent television anchor and host at Shant TV, was
attacked and beaten by unknown assailants outside his home in Yerevan.

ARTICLE 19 specifically calls on the Armenian authorities to condemn any
attacks on journalists and to undertake to end all attacks. In order to
prevent other attacks, ARTICLE 19 also urges the government to fully
investigate all violent incidents, thereby sending a clear message that
such abuses will not be tolerated.

In Azerbaijan, police used physical force against Durna Safarli, a Radio
Liberty correspondent; Elchin Hasanov, from Yukselish Namina; and Afgan
Mukhtarli and Layla Ilgar from Yeni Musavat newspaper on 10 May 2009 while
they were covering events surrounding the "Flower Holiday".

The "Flower Holiday" is an annual celebration of the birthday of former
President Geydar Aliyev on 10 May. This year students called for it to be
cancelled, to commemorate 13 people killed at the State Oil Academy in Baku
on 30 April 2009. Journalists attempting to investigate these killings were
also prevented from accessing information by authorities.

ARTICLE 19 urges the Azerbaijan government to set up an independent
investigation into the police violence surrounding this year’s "Flower
Holiday" and promptly investigate police attacks on journalists and
peaceful protesters. Members of the public were beaten and approximately 50
demonstrators were detained for a number of hours on this day, simply for
exercising their right to free expression.

ARTICLE 19 also calls for a complete disclosure of the findings of the
investigation into the killing of 13 people at the State Oil Academy in
Baku on 30 April 2009. The Azerbaijani public has the right to know what
happened and who was responsible for this unprecedented massacre.

In Georgia, journalists covering political opposition activities have
reportedly been subject to police ill-treatment. These included, for
example, Nino Komakhidze and Ani Khavtasi from The Versia newspaper who
were covering an opposition movement protest on 7 April. They were
allegedly also part of another group of journalists who were assaulted on 6
May, when violence erupted outside a Tbilisi police station.

ARTICLE 19 urges the Georgian government to conduct a prompt and
independent investigation into the alleged police attacks. We also call on
the Georgian authorities not to repeat the excessive use of force used to
quell demonstrators in November 2007, including the beating of journalists
by police.

ARTICLE 19 notes that Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have ratified the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European
Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which both guarantee
the fundamental right to freedom of expression, including the protection of

For further information, contact ARTICLE 19, 6-8 Amwell Street, London,
EC1R 1UQ, U.K., tel: +44 20 7278 9292, fax: +44 20 7278 7660, e-mail:
info@article19.org, Internet:

The information contained in this alert is the sole responsibility of
ARTICLE 19. In citing this material for broadcast or publication, please
credit ARTICLE 19.
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