Astana Hosts Discussions On Humanitarian Cooperation Development Amo


21.05.2009 22:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ CIS Humanitarian Cooperation Council and CIS
Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation (IFHC) have today held
a joint discussion in Astana. Participants focused on IFHC-UNESCO
Memorandum of Understanding signed at the end of 2008. Such cooperation
contributes to the realization of a number of joint projects, including
the one aimed at technical-professional development in CIS countries.

Last year, the fund launched over 70 projects in the spheres of
culture, education, science, information, mass media, sports, tourism
and activities with youth.

Parties discussed and adopted decisions over key issues related to the
further development and enhancement of humanitarian cooperation on
commonwealth territory. Discussion were devoted to 2009-10 Priority
Plan in the sphere of humanitarian cooperation among CIS member
states, strategic development issues, mutual cooperation (between
IFHC and UNESCO), CIS Executive Committee as well as events dedicated
to the 65th anniversary of Victory over Fascism. The fund plans to
organize over a hundred events and humanitarian functions during the
current year.

Discussion over humanitarian cooperation development issues will
take place during CIS leaders’ sessions scheduled for May 22 in the
capital city of Kazakhstan.